New Year’s novelty!

The plant of the lighting equipment ” PKF “Promtechelectro” constantly works on increase in consumer quality of products.

Budget LED lamps interfere and degrade the quality of the 220В power grid. Interference also occurs during operation of “energy savings” – compact fluorescent lamps. The reason for their occurrence is pulse power supply units, which are applied in almost all modern technology: LED lamps, chargers, computer BP, etc. They are the ones that interfere with the network.

To avoid emergence of hindrances in operation of the equipment at the enterprise, upon purchase of industrial lighting it is necessary to be convinced that it corresponds to established to state standard specifications where requirements to EMS of light devices are fixed.

Therefore, our specialists have developed a special modification of low-voltage LED explosion-proof lamps of the DSP52 series to protect the network from the interference caused by the lamps – for those customers who especially need it.

Thus, our clients will be able to receive well familiar DSP52 lamps with new advantages – not creating hindrances to work radio receivers, radio sets, the medical equipment, surveillance cameras, etc. at the same price.

The Nizhny Novgorod Center of Special cars one of the first checked in business and estimated advantages of a novelty from the plant of “PKF “Promtechelectro”.

This modification provides no electromagnetic interference, complete protection against conductive interference via power supply circuits, increased voltages up to 100 and 200 V and abnormal connections to the vehicle ‘s on-board network.